Image Hosted by .::. LifeXtremE .::.: Moonwalkers in Kota Kemuning

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Moonwalkers in Kota Kemuning

Hey dear LifeXremers and Friends

LifeXtreme will be organizing a latern festival and the details are as such ->

Venue -> Pastor David's Semi-D area ( Anggerik Eria )
Date -> 26/09/09 its a Saturday
Time -> 8pm to 10pm

The Activites are ->
~Ice breakers: Name The Person~
~Speech by Pastor~
~Games ( water fight, pass the box )~
~Night walk with lanterns~
~Refreshments (Tong Yun, Steam Fish Ball, Jelly Moon Cake~
~Singing of Songs~

All are invited and do invite your friends as well. It's gonna be fun and at the same time there will be great bonds created and strengthened!

Hope to see you all there! God bless =)