Image Hosted by .::. LifeXtremE .::.: September 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Moonwalkers in Kota Kemuning

Hey dear LifeXremers and Friends

LifeXtreme will be organizing a latern festival and the details are as such ->

Venue -> Pastor David's Semi-D area ( Anggerik Eria )
Date -> 26/09/09 its a Saturday
Time -> 8pm to 10pm

The Activites are ->
~Ice breakers: Name The Person~
~Speech by Pastor~
~Games ( water fight, pass the box )~
~Night walk with lanterns~
~Refreshments (Tong Yun, Steam Fish Ball, Jelly Moon Cake~
~Singing of Songs~

All are invited and do invite your friends as well. It's gonna be fun and at the same time there will be great bonds created and strengthened!

Hope to see you all there! God bless =)

Bible Quiz durin LifeXtreme

Bible Quizzes

1.How many books are there in a standard Bible?
A: 66 books; 39 in Old Testament; 27 in New Testament

2.How many years was in between the New Testament & Old Testament? What does it called?
A: 400 years; Silent Years

3.Ruth was a?
A: Moabite

4.How many sons did Jacob had?
A: 12

5.What was Israel famous for?
A: Milk and honey

6.Who went on missionary journeys to preach to the Gentiles?
A: Paul

7.When the prodigal son returned, the father gave him a robe, shoes and???
A: Ring

8.What did the John the Baptist ate?
A: Locusts and Honey

9.At what age when Jesus was baptized?
A: 30 year old

10. What does the name ‘Matthew’ means?
A: Gift of the Lord

11. Which creature tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit?
A: Serpent

12. What was the name of the sea that the Israelites escaped through?
A: Red Sea

13. What animal spoke to Balaam?
A: Donkey

14. What was the name of the woman who hid the spies at Jericho?
A: Rahab

15. Who did Ruth marry to?
A: Boaz

16. Who was the first king of Israel?
A: Saul

17. Who brought Elijah bread and meat to eat during the drought?
A: Rarens

18. Which king allowed the Israelites to return to Israel to rebuild the temple?
A: Cyrus