Image Hosted by .::. LifeXtremE .::.: January 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008


The effective, fervent prayer of a rightious man avails much. James 5:16

There is nothing that prayer cannot touch and change. Every time we pray, if we do so correctly, God's mighty power is released and made available to bring victory and breakthrough into even seemingly impossible situations. (:

so what is prayer?
In it's simplest definition, prayer is fellowship with God.

Prayer is not just a Bible subject that we study: Prayer is a lifestyle.
I heard someone once say that prayer is to your spiritual life what breathing is to your natural life.
If your stop breathing in the natural - of course we know what's going to happen - you're going to die.
Prayer is the breath of God in your life that keeps your fellowship and walk with Him fresh and alive.

Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith, it is impossible to please Him."
Our prayers are mighty & strong because of our faith in God - not just our faith in our own programs.
It's knowing who God is, and what He said He will do. Prayer that comes out of a heart of faith is the kind of prayer that changed things.

Matthew 7:7-8
"Ask, & it will be given to you; Seek, & your shall find; Knock, & it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives , & he who seeks finds, & to him who knocks it will be opened.

Thus, we see that an important aspect of believing prayer is found in the word "ask".

"Well," you say, "why do I have to ask? If He's my Father, doesn't He know what I need?"
Yes, He knows, but when you ask, it shows that you're interested in Him and what He wants to do. It is also a way to exercise our faith.

John 14:13-14
"And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father will be glorified in the Son.
If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."
John 15:7
"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."
* * * * *

The topic of prayer is really really wide. & it's really interesting too!! ^^

Just as we learned & shared during youth last sunday about the different kinds of prayers. (:

Sometimes, we may find it difficult to pray as it takes a lot of effort & commitment...

"Through all life's joys & sorrows, I've learned to put my weight on Jesus, & to discover that He's the kind of friend who is always there, no matter how i feel.

I must admit that sometimes Jesus doesn't feel close to me. But my relationship with him doesn't rely on feelings, it rests on facts.
It's not feelings that drive me to seek his presence .... it's my commitment to him.
Because of this commitment, even when I don't feel like praying, I force myself to meet Him, & struggle to make space to share my life with Him.

Feelings come and go, & I don't measure my relationship with Jesus by them. I rest on facts. The fact that He has died for me, & the fact that I have received him into my life as Lord & saviour.

If I'm honest, I think my friendsip with Jesus has grown most in the difficult times. My greatest glimpses of His love have come when I've been really down and haven't known where to turn, except to Him." ~ Rob Frost, national evangelist.

From what I see, the bottom line is not about how we pray, but about how we keep up the struggle, how we press on with the journey and how we keep trying at prayer.
For in the end, prayer is a relationship, & like all relationships it has to be worked at, day in & day out. (:

Today, remember that Jesus is with you. His presence does not rest on how you feel... it rest on His promises. (the bible is full of them!!! ^^)
Pause & remember His presence with you, and then, in silence, put your weight on him, & him alone, for He is your safety harness when the strong storms blow.

Just rest-assure in His love... knowing that He'll always be there to listen. He hears your every cry, every thought, every spoken or unspoken word, even before it is conceive by you.

We're privilledge to be able to pray & commune with our Lord! (: haha, ain't we?
Even as we strive to walk with God in prayer each day, let's take time and pauses to hear from Him as well. Let us allow Him to speak to our soul even through His word, the bible or even through silent communion with Him in our quiet time.

(: Yea! haha, so let's continue to pray for LifeXtreme. for the youth centre which is currently under construction. pray for a year of enlargement in every area of our life - spritually! & whatever God places in your heart to pray for.... your individual, family and friends' needs.

& as we unite in prayer, & believe in faith according to God's will. Let's expect God to move mightly! ^^

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Year of EnLARGEment

Hey guys! Yeap, that's our theme for

year 2008: Year of EnLARGEment!

cool eh? ^^ plus we had an awesome combine service at New Life PJ recently on the 6th of Jan.
Inspiring message by Pastor Jeremiah Yap where he shared with us God's word for New Life for this new year!!

His message was about *entering into the year of Enlargement* that God has prepared for you & me! and with that proclaimed year 2008 as a year of enlargement! Expect to see God move mightly in this nation as we put our faith in Him & live a life pleasing to Him.

*Below are the notes from his sermon*

Today's need:
  • Identity & affirmation
  • Security & care for future
  • Freedom & justice

Man's answer:

  • Work & more work; choose work over relationships
  • Self-preservation

God's answer:

  • Matthew 6:31-34

31"Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32"For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

1. Higher realm of divine presence - e.g. Gideon
  • enlarged from smallness & fear to faith & courage - a winner spirit

2. Higher justice & vindictaion - e.g. Esther

  • enlarged from village girl to queen that served God's kingdom...

3. Higher influence & possibilities - e.g. Moses

  • enlarged from fugitive to leader entrusted with authority & power for the miraculous delivering of a nation

4. Higher purpose - e.g. Joseph

  • enlarged from victim (above resentment & bitterness) to God's promotion (Prime Minister) - Isaiah 54:2

Therefore, we must...

1. See enlargement spiritually for influence in God

  • work with Christ to beget Godly people behind us with clarity

2. See enlargement mentally through problems & projects

  • ask for Godly wisdom, learn knowledge with creativity
  • plan with enlargement in mind

3. See enlargement emotionally through pain & stress


ASK in prayer (Solomon)

TRAIN ourselves, train others for significance in Christ

Be STEWARDS of faith, hope & love with stability of soul

* * * * * * * * * *

Sorry the notes are not really complete.. hehe, forgot to bring pen & paper.. so had to use hp to take down notes. =p

However, I hope you're able to picture the big plan that God has for your life. As we look into the life of Moses, Gideon, Joseph & Esther, God seems to delight in picking and calling people who are ordinary & enlarge them into vessels fit for His divine use.

God's calling over your life is able to release you to a life of purpose & power. The enlargement that we're talking about is also a call & vision to impact and raise up a next generation to extend God's kingdom & one that is able to live in their destiny in Christ.

A phrase that caught me was, 'Achieve the highest, & you attain everything below it'.

It's true!! "Seek ye first the kingdom of God & all these things shall be added unto you as well. Matthew 6:33".

As we can see from Solomon's story. God gave Solomon one wish, & Solomon asked for wisdom. He could have asked for anything under the sun, but he choose wisdom. His motive was pure, he wanted wisdom so that he could govern his country & lead his people with rightiousness & integrity. Because he choose something higher & greater than himself, God gave him everythinge else below that - money, wealth, health, power, fame, etc...

If our vision is right, God will send His provision. (:

Where is your focus? more importantly, WHO is your focus? ^^

I believe that as we begin to align ourselves to God's purpose and aim to be kingdom-minded people, He will be faithful and supply all our needs. That even as we achieve the higher things in God, everything below it, we have already conquered. Yes! Because we serve an almighty God that created the heavens & the earth!

That's why this year, it's important that we start seeing things from God's prospective. We need to let God come into an enlarged soul, heart & mind. Although we may view certain situations that we are in as problems, let us search deeper than others, and maybe we will realise that those "problems" are actually opportunities in disguise.

It may be our chance to impact the lives of others. It may be our chance to testify of God's faithfulness. It may be our chance to be an influence!

God will enlarge us with the measure that we allow Him to. So let's not limit ourselves but surrender our all to God. Because as we offer our all, which may be just 5 loaves of bread & 2 fishes, God is able to multiply our talents as we commit it into His hands.

In this year 2008, allow God to enlarge your capacity to do greater things for Him.

Let's grow from faith to faith to influence this nation & raise up a generation that will answer God's call! Let's be the vessel that God can use.

Let us enjoy a year of Enlargement with our Lord. (:

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Running the race & finishing it!! ^^

The Greeks had a race in their Olympic games that was unique. The winner was not the runner who finished first. It was the runner who finished with his torch still lit. I want to run all the way with the flame of my torch still lit for Him. - J. Stowell.

Let's run together this journey of faith.
Let's be accountable to each other.
Let's encourage each other & be a friend to those in need.
Let's persevere together through the hurdles that comes our way.
Let's pass on the baton of faith to the next generation & empower our generation.
Let's be the youths that will impact this nation for Christ!

It's time to rise up.

*nyek nyek* easier said than done... but If God is for us, who can be against us? (:

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008- Happy New Year!

Been thinking about this question A LOT lately, "If you were suddenly die and stand before God and He should ask 'Why should I let you into heaven?" What would you tell Him?

or what if at the throne room of God, & we were to be asked to give the account of our life as christians?

I believe we would all want to stand up with confidence and say, "I'm standing on the finished work of Christ. No less will avail and no more is needed!"

It's the start of the new year. New beginnings with Him. Whatever 2007 may have been, let's be committed together to live a life we'll be proud to tell God about. =)

".......reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press towards the goal..."
Philippians 3:13,14.

what's your goal this year? what's your new year resolution? I pray that as we head into the new year with excitement, we'll be fired-up to experience God in a whole new level. It's time to move out of our comfort zone & begin living on the edge..WITH GOD.

Even as the theme of 2007 was YEAR OF NO LIMITS, let all that has happen in 2007 be an experience & foundation for even greater things to happen in 2008! Let our faith even rise to a higher platform as we allow Him to continously mould & shape our lives as a potter shapes a clay.

There will be storms along this journey, but rest assured that ultimately, He is in control. There are seasons of sunshine as well as rain. Each season has its own purpose.

Never make permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances.

As Paul says, "The things which are seen are temporary; but the things which are not seen are eternal" 2 Corinthians 4:18.

Have a blessed New Year people!!! Let's take ownership of our youth group, yea? (:
Looking forward to even more together with GOD!

Thanks for a great year & fellowship together in 2007! ^^