There is nothing that prayer cannot touch and change. Every time we pray, if we do so correctly, God's mighty power is released and made available to bring victory and breakthrough into even seemingly impossible situations. (:
so what is prayer?
In it's simplest definition, prayer is fellowship with God.
Prayer is not just a Bible subject that we study: Prayer is a lifestyle.
I heard someone once say that prayer is to your spiritual life what breathing is to your natural life.
If your stop breathing in the natural - of course we know what's going to happen - you're going to die.
Prayer is the breath of God in your life that keeps your fellowship and walk with Him fresh and alive.
Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith, it is impossible to please Him."
Our prayers are mighty & strong because of our faith in God - not just our faith in our own programs.
It's knowing who God is, and what He said He will do. Prayer that comes out of a heart of faith is the kind of prayer that changed things.
Thus, we see that an important aspect of believing prayer is found in the word "ask".
"Well," you say, "why do I have to ask? If He's my Father, doesn't He know what I need?"
Yes, He knows, but when you ask, it shows that you're interested in Him and what He wants to do. It is also a way to exercise our faith.
The topic of prayer is really really wide. & it's really interesting too!! ^^
Just as we learned & shared during youth last sunday about the different kinds of prayers. (:
Sometimes, we may find it difficult to pray as it takes a lot of effort & commitment...
"Through all life's joys & sorrows, I've learned to put my weight on Jesus, & to discover that He's the kind of friend who is always there, no matter how i feel.
I must admit that sometimes Jesus doesn't feel close to me. But my relationship with him doesn't rely on feelings, it rests on facts.
It's not feelings that drive me to seek his presence .... it's my commitment to him.
Because of this commitment, even when I don't feel like praying, I force myself to meet Him, & struggle to make space to share my life with Him.
Feelings come and go, & I don't measure my relationship with Jesus by them. I rest on facts. The fact that He has died for me, & the fact that I have received him into my life as Lord & saviour.
If I'm honest, I think my friendsip with Jesus has grown most in the difficult times. My greatest glimpses of His love have come when I've been really down and haven't known where to turn, except to Him." ~ Rob Frost, national evangelist.
From what I see, the bottom line is not about how we pray, but about how we keep up the struggle, how we press on with the journey and how we keep trying at prayer.
For in the end, prayer is a relationship, & like all relationships it has to be worked at, day in & day out. (:
Today, remember that Jesus is with you. His presence does not rest on how you feel... it rest on His promises. (the bible is full of them!!! ^^)
Pause & remember His presence with you, and then, in silence, put your weight on him, & him alone, for He is your safety harness when the strong storms blow.
Just rest-assure in His love... knowing that He'll always be there to listen. He hears your every cry, every thought, every spoken or unspoken word, even before it is conceive by you.
We're privilledge to be able to pray & commune with our Lord! (: haha, ain't we?
Even as we strive to walk with God in prayer each day, let's take time and pauses to hear from Him as well. Let us allow Him to speak to our soul even through His word, the bible or even through silent communion with Him in our quiet time.
(: Yea! haha, so let's continue to pray for LifeXtreme. for the youth centre which is currently under construction. pray for a year of enlargement in every area of our life - spritually! & whatever God places in your heart to pray for.... your individual, family and friends' needs.
& as we unite in prayer, & believe in faith according to God's will. Let's expect God to move mightly! ^^