*With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26*
The 3 P's!
1. Passion
2. Plan
3. Prayer
1. PaSsiOn Of GOD.
What does it mean to have passion?
~ intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction.
~ ardent affection.
It's having an intense emotion that compels action!
Yes! Isn't great to know that God is passionate about us? That we are creations of God, engraved in the palms of His hand (Isaiah 49:16) , made in His image & breathed by His spirit!
His unconditional love for us was the reason why He gave His life for us at the cross! that we may be called children of God! (John 1:12, Romans 8)
Passion leads to boldness. It makes the impossible seem possible. & yes! with God on our side, it is mission possible! =)
What do you have in your life right now that seems impossible? Do you have a passion about it?
Start there. Because passion will compel you to action!
Always remember that God's passion overides our passion...so no matter how weak you may be feeling, know that you can always draw strength from God & ask Him to give you the passion to live your life in God's plan!
2. PLaNs of GOD
"God's plans endure forever; His purposes last eternally." Psalm 33:11
Jesus's life was a great example of living according to God's plan. He took the lead, & came from heaven to earth to show the way!
Jesus said, "...If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself & take up his cross daily and follow me."*Luke 9:23
Jesus has paved the way for us, are we willing to follow Him?
In Acts 1:8, we're called to be witness for God!
How do we know God's love is steadfast? - By looking at the story of God's people.
How do we know God keeps his promises? - By looking at his people.
How does the world hear about God's salvation? - By hearing the testimony of God's people.
God's plan for us is to be ambassadors of His kingdom, to go to the ends of the world to make His name known! *Ephesians 2:10*
Read Isaiah 55:11 & you will realize that God's plan never fails!
3. PrAyeR PoWEr!
Prayer must always accompany our work. We must persevere in our prayer, as we wait on God to work in us. *1 John 5:14
It's important to pray before for preparation, during for power & after for protection!
Ps. David illustrated a story about a missionary whose family & ministry was greatly affected & dampened because of the lack of prayer by the church. The story portrays the importance of being consistent & faithful in upholding Christian workers through prayer!
*Ephesians 3:20. God empowers us!
When we come before God in prayer & give Him full control of a situation, we are acknowledging His sovereignty in that area.
Prayer is therefore an opportunity to lift up the needs of others to God. Let's continue to pray for unreached nations, missionaries, pastors, leaders & whatever the Spirit leads us to pray for!
Do not underestimate the power of prayer!! =) Haha, yes! & remember to keep each other in prayer too!!
*Matthew 18:19-20* Again I say to you, that if two of you shall consent upon earth, concerning anything whatsoever they shall ask, it shall be done to them by my father who is in heaven. For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
*grins* yeah! so come for prayer meeting if you can!! ^^
wakakakaka! *bish* i just realize this was suppose to be a summary of Ps.David's sermon...& i think i ended up making it more complicated & around the bush. haha, just shot me!!!! haiyo...dun wan write adi!! i can only write long grandmother stories... haha, sorrie!! hope no one felt asleep while reading! =p
God bless!! Have an awesome week!