haha, remember singing this song in sunday school?
Zacchaeus was a wee little man,
Oh, a wee little man was he.
So he climbed up in a sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see..
The bible did not explain much about Zacchaeus' background, but we do know that he was a small man - not just height-wise. =b
Like the Grinch from Dr. Seuss, what was truly small was his heart.
A corrupt tax collecter, he stole from his own people on behalf of the Romans, and as a result, they despised him........ & he despised them.
But apparently, deep in his soul, Zacchaeus wanted something more - something bigger - in his life. He didn't want more money. He wanted to love & to be loved.
That all became possible when Jesus entered his life.
He opened his home to Jesus - and those he once despised. Unlike the rich young ruler who loved money more than people, Zacchaeus opened his pocketbook and paid back even more than he had stolen.
Most of all, he opened his heart to the life-changing power of God's love.
And like the Grinch, his heart grew three sizes in an instant! =b
The question is never whether God loves you. The real question is whether you will open your heart and receive that love. Your life, your soul, your heart will grow bigger than they could ever be without Him. (:
* * * * *
Below's the handout from youth 2 weeks back. *click on image to view full size*
should check out the blog source.. it's pretty interesting. ^^
Btw, Happie Valentines! =b
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